Amazing Grace comes in small packages ~ Rhema Marvanne

All Seasons ~ Rhema Marvanne

‘Grace’ is among my favourite words. There is divinity in it, and poise, as there is in this little girl’s voice, and in her being. Rhema Marvanne is, apparently, all of 7 years old. An age of innocence, so there should be no surprise there’s not a hint of wretchedness […]

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Get Miles Away to find your way home ~ Gomez, Thomas Moore and Tristan

Gomez ~ get miles, from Bring it On

The year 2000 was an extraordinary one. It was the year I wrote and produced my play, Prisoners, which in itself marked several milestones on my spiritual path. And there was this girl. A dark beauty who rekindled my passion for music. Gomez was just one of the bands we […]

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Cycling Mantras ~ Establishing Desert Rhythms

Everything But The Girl - Missing - like the deserts miss the rain

Bicycling is among my passions, one of the ways I connect to the world, my body, my being. The rhythm of riding, the cyclical nature of cycling, of spinning the crank arms, to spin a cogset, to spin the chain, so that the wheels spin. Round and round and round […]

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I know why you’re crying ~ Orbison & lang know why too

Ray Orbison ~ k. d. lang ~ Crying

Sometimes the words bring a song to mind. This poem was in my thoughts this morning and as the words of it washed over me a melody rose out of words. And out of a melody rose k.d. lang’s wail, Crying. Roy Orbison wrote about a cry arising from reasons […]

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Passport to Paradise ~ Three songs you’ve almost certainly never heard before…

Passport ~ Sky Blue

…unless you’re Stephen Guy. (Who, by the way, almost certainly introduced me to this band. Have you started on that guest post yet, Steve?) This is a literary blog. While the theme is movies, music and books, it’s really about words and how these themes inspire them. Every now and […]

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Hearts traveling faster than the speed of love ~ the B-52s, Topaz

Cosmic Thing ~ B-52s ~ Topaz

A vivid memory of dancing solo on an Australian beach, the full moon intermittently obscured by racing clouds even as its rays glitterred off the cascading breakers pounding the beach. This song, Topaz, blasting at top volume from the small portable stereo speakers attached to my iPod. A breathless churning […]

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3 Things I Learned About Rejection By Being Accepted ~ A Traveller’s Tale

Travelers Tales China: True Stories by Patrick Jennings et. al.

This post is an expansion of a comment I made on Daryl Sedore’s article, Why Rejection Letters are Great appearing on Write to Done. Sedore reminds us that in all endeavours we can expect to be rejected one or more times before being accepted. Every rejection is a good thing; […]

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The Dao de Jing ~ The transformational quality of seeing the beauty in all things.

The Tao te Ching :: The Book of the Way ~ Lao Tse (Stephen Mitchell trans.)

I can’t remember when I first encountered The Dao de Jing (also Tao te Ching, pronounced the same), which surprises me since it quickly grew to become my favourite written text. It’s brief (just 81 chapters of verse, a page or so each) yet richly nuanced. I’ve read all or […]

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