Bodhisattvas of Science ~ Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Nye sing to the rhythm of the universe

Neill de Grasse ~ We are all Connected

This is a clever and quite lovely mashup of science, astro-physics, meta-physics, spirituality and rhythm. A dance floor Tao of Physics. I think I’ll let these bodhisattvas of science speak for themselves…what a wonderful collection of muses, of musical musings they give us…and John Boswell, the head musician and producer […]

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Watery Rhythms ~ Deva Premal sings of Oshun, Goddess of rivers, seashores and love

Deva Premal ~ Love is Space

Listen very closely to this song, to the underlying rhythms. What’s that sound, the shsh sshh shsshsh? This mantra is Ide Were Were, from Deva Premal’s album Love is Space. Listen closely. There’s a hint right at the start. Depending on the fidelity of your sound system, you may not […]

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Paul Simon ~ slip slidin’ my way from the blues to the rainbow’s loving hues

Paul Simon - Slip Sliding Away

A day of sunshine and warm summery breezes, moving conversation and revealed transformations, a day of intimacy and worries unburdened, of gratitude and the most difficult of life’s moments shared… A day not so much impervious to the hardships, the horrors, the blues, but one that finds itself on the other […]

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War Prayers ~ Mark Twain and Lao Tse on the artlessness of war

Mark Twain ~ War Prayer

Yesterday the people of The United States of America marked Memorial Day. It’s a day of baseball, hot dogs and apple pie, of families and communities gathering to celebrate the arrival of summer. It’s a day of flags and bunting and red, white & blue and national pride, and a […]

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