Matches and the eternal sunshine of the spotless soul ~ Lawrence of Arabia

The Match Scene ~ Lawrence of Arabia

Metaphor. I love metaphor. Matches. I just posted one about matches. Matches and pain. This one isn’t about pain. Not at all. It’s about perfection. This one is about the fire that burns inside each of us. Well, maybe there’s a little pain. It’s the pain you feel in your […]

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Dog & Butterfly ~ The beauty and bliss of reaching higher than you can grasp

Heart ~ Dog & Butterfly

Heart’s Dog & Butterfly has been on my mind and in my ears a lot the last few days, both the album and the title song from it. I love the song for the mirthful image of a dog futilely leaping after a fluttering butterfly, and for its wisdom in […]

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The trick … is not minding that it hurts ~ Lawrence of Arabia

The Match Scene ~ Lawrence of Arabia

I’ve always loved this scene introducing Peter O’Toole in David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia. In a film rife with extraordinary storytelling and wisdom, it remains my favourite. In hindsight perhaps it’s the spiritual undertone of Lawrence’s statement that’s always intrigued me most because, of course, Lawrence isn’t only talking about […]

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Beginning again with Sacred ~ Lotus Feet & Shakti

Remember ~ Shakti

I haven’t been living the sacred enough lately. Sometimes I forget how sacred life is, become caught up in the mundane, the day-to-day of existing in a corporeal world, in the meanness that can be everyday life. I stop, for a while, living a life that is sacred. I’m often […]

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A gentle inner tube ride downriver ~ Joe Walsh

Joe Walsh ~ But Seriously Folks

Imagine a scorching hot summer day, a blistering sun rising higher and higher into the sky. You’ve been baking for weeks in this weather and your skin is brown, armoured against the UV with a waterproof 5,000 SPF screen, hat and shades. The river’s surface roils gently in the inexorable […]

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