Yesterday the people of The United States of America marked Memorial Day. It’s a day of baseball, hot dogs and apple pie, of families and communities gathering to celebrate the arrival of summer. It’s a day of flags and bunting and red, white & blue and national pride, and a […]
The second book of The Way ~ Stephen Mitchell illuminates the Tao again.
We’re too good to be this political ~ Be the change you want to see in the world
The Dao de Jing ~ The transformational quality of seeing the beauty in all things.
The Tao of Love and Light: Riffing on physics and faith
A Manual on the Art of Fiction, fact and truth
Winnie the Pooh and the Vinegar Tasters
The Vinegar tasters is among my favourite allegories and provides an excellent introduction to the three philosophies that dominated China through thousands of years: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. For me, the most important of these is Taoism, a gentle, soulful and luminous philosophy. I’m going to be lazy and let […]