A gentle inner tube ride downriver ~ Joe Walsh

Joe Walsh ~ But Seriously Folks

Imagine a scorching hot summer day, a blistering sun rising higher and higher into the sky. You’ve been baking for weeks in this weather and your skin is brown, armoured against the UV with a waterproof 5,000 SPF screen, hat and shades. The river’s surface roils gently in the inexorable […]

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Watery Rhythms ~ Deva Premal sings of Oshun, Goddess of rivers, seashores and love

Deva Premal ~ Love is Space

Listen very closely to this song, to the underlying rhythms. What’s that sound, the shsh sshh shsshsh? This mantra is Ide Were Were, from Deva Premal’s album Love is Space. Listen closely. There’s a hint right at the start. Depending on the fidelity of your sound system, you may not […]

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